Steel panel radiator with side connection

RADIK KLASIK is a steel panel radiator in KLASIK version which allows left or right side connection to the heating system circuit. It is intended for use in pressure or gravity heating systems.Two upper and lower hangers are welded at the back of the radiator. Radiators 70 7/8" and longer have six welded hangers. Heat output from 563 to 27874 BTU at max. operating pressure up to 145 PSI. Maximum operating temperature 230°F.

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length from 15 3/4" to 118 1/8"

length from 15 3/4" to 118 1/8"

height from 7 7/8" to 35 3/8"

height from 7 7/8" to 35 3/8"

heat output from 563 to 27874 BTU/HR

heat output from 563 to 27874 BTU/HR

left or right side connection

left or right side connection

RADIK KLASIK we offer these in 484 alternatives

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Heat output (For professionals)

t1: 167 °F
t2: 149 °F
ti: 68 °F
ΔT: 90 °F

The heat output of the radiator should cover the specified heat losses of the heated room, which are calculated by the designer. t1 – temperature of input water entering the radiator t2 – temperature of output water exiting the radiator ti – relative air temperature (design temperature of air in the room) (Temperatures t1 and t2 are based on the design documentation of the heating system or the selected heat source)

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Basic white

The basic colour is RAL 9016 white, other colours are subject to a surcharge.
It is possible to deviate the colour in the colour chart compared to the colour of the heating element.

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Dimensions (H × L × D)
Heat output
Tepelný výkon radiátoru má pokrýt stanovené tepelné ztráty vytápěné místnosti, které jsou vypočteny projektantem.
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When ordering a coloured version please specify the colour code in the remark. The colour code is not a part of the article code.
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Dimensions (H × L × D) (inches)
11 3/4 × 19 5/8 × 1 7/8
Heat output (BTU/HR)
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Dimensions (H × L × D) (inches)
11 3/4 × 23 5/8 × 1 7/8
Heat output (BTU/HR)
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Dimensions (H × L × D) (inches)
15 3/4 × 19 5/8 × 1 7/8
Heat output (BTU/HR)
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Your selection
Dimensions (H × L × D) (inches)
15 3/4 × 23 5/8 × 1 7/8
Heat output (BTU/HR)
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Your selection
Dimensions (H × L × D) (inches)
19 5/8 × 15 3/4 × 1 7/8
Heat output (BTU/HR)
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Your selection
Dimensions (H × L × D) (inches)
19 5/8 × 19 5/8 × 1 7/8
Heat output (BTU/HR)
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Your selection
Dimensions (H × L × D) (inches)
19 5/8 × 23 5/8 × 1 7/8
Heat output (BTU/HR)
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Dimensions (H × L × D) (inches)
19 5/8 × 27 1/2 × 1 7/8
Heat output (BTU/HR)
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Dimensions (H × L × D) (inches)
19 5/8 × 31 1/2 × 1 7/8
Heat output (BTU/HR)
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Dimensions (H × L × D) (inches)
19 5/8 × 35 3/8 × 1 7/8
Heat output (BTU/HR)
Code for ordering


Title Description Code
Towel dryer for RADIK 600 - Z-D030
Designed to be used for all types of the following models of panel radiators RADIK. Length 23 5/8 inches.
Towel dryer for RADIK 900 - Z-D031
Designed to be used for all types of the following models of panel radiators RADIK. Length 35 3/7 inches.
Towel dryer for RADIK 1200 - Z-D032
Designed to be used for all types of the following models of panel radiators RADIK. Length 47 1/4 inches.
Radiator brush - RADIK - Z-D029
Intended for cleaning all radiators KORADO.

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Heat output and technical information

Technical Data

RADIK KLASIK | radik_klasik_klasik-z-01.png
H: Height (inch) 7 7/8, 11 3/4, 15 3/4, 19 5/8, 23 5/8, 27 1/2, 35 3/8
L: Length (inch) 15 3/4, 19 5/8, 23 5/8, 27 1/2, 31 1/2, 35 3/8, 39 3/8, 43 1/4, 47 1/4, 55 1/8, 63, 70 7/8, 78 3/4, 90 1/2, 102 3/8, 118 1/8
Depth (inch)
Type 22 3 7/8 inches
Type 10 1 7/8 inches
Type 11 2 1/2 inches
Type 20 2 5/8 inches
Type 21 2 5/8 inches
Type 33 6 1/8 inches
Highest allowed working temperature (°F) 230 °F
Highest allowed working pressure 145,04 psi
Connecting thread G 1/2" inside
Connecting pitch h = H – 2 1/8"

Heat output

Type 22 Type 10 Type 11 Type 20 Type 21 Type 33
Q [BTU/HR] Height [inches]
Length [inches] 7 7/8 11 3/4 15 3/4 19 5/8 23 5/8 27 1/2 35 3/8
15 3/4 1317 1658 1982 2293 2590 3156
19 5/8 1648 2075 2477 2866 3238 3948
23 5/8 1979 2491 2972 3436 3883 4736
27 1/2 2307 2904 3467 4009 4531 5524
31 1/2 1771 2638 3320 3965 4583 5180 6312
35 3/8 1993 2965 3733 4460 5156 5825 7104
39 3/8 2214 3296 4149 4954 5729 6473 7892
43 1/4 2436 3627 4565 5449 6302 7121 8680
47 1/4 2658 3955 4978 5944 6875 7766 9472
55 1/8 3102 4613 5807 6937 8022 9063 11049
63 3542 5275 6640 7926 9165 10356 12628
70 7/8 3985 5934 7469 8919 10311 11652 14205
78 3/4 4429 6592 8298 9909 11458 12946 15785
90 1/2 5094 7582 9544 11397 13178 14887
102 3/8 5756 8571 10789 12881 14894 16829
118 1/8 6643 9888 12447 14863 17187 19418
Q [BTU/HR] Height [inches]
Length [inches] 11 3/4 15 3/4 19 5/8 23 5/8 27 1/2 35 3/8
15 3/4 703 826 949 1194
19 5/8 563 723 877 1030 1184 1495
23 5/8 676 867 1051 1235 1419 1791
27 1/2 1228 1443 1658 2092
31 1/2 1402 1648 1894 2388
35 3/8 1580 1856 2133 2689
39 3/8 1754 2061 2368 2986
43 1/4 1928 2266 2603 3286
47 1/4 2105 2474 2842 3583
55 1/8 2457 2887 3317 4180
63 2805 3296 3787 4777
70 7/8 3156 3709 4262
78 3/4 3508 4122 4736
Q [BTU/HR] Height [inches]
Length [inches] 11 3/4 15 3/4 19 5/8 23 5/8 27 1/2 35 3/8
15 3/4 751 966 1170 1368 1556 1904
19 5/8 938 1208 1464 1709 1945 2378
23 5/8 1123 1447 1757 2051 2330 2853
27 1/2 1310 1692 2051 2392 2719 3330
31 1/2 1498 1931 2341 2737 3108 3805
35 3/8 1686 2174 2634 3078 3497 4282
39 3/8 1873 2416 2928 3419 3886 4757
43 1/4 2061 2658 3221 3760 4275 5231
47 1/4 2249 2900 3515 4101 4664 5709
55 1/8 2624 3381 4098 4787 5442 6661
63 2996 3866 4685 5470 6217 7609
70 7/8 3371 4347 5268 6156 6995
78 3/4 3747 4832 5855 6838 7773
90 1/2 6732 7865 8940
102 3/8 7612 8889 10103
118 1/8 8783 10257 11659
Q [BTU/HR] Height [inches]
Length [inches] 19 5/8 23 5/8 27 1/2
15 3/4 1143 1334 1525
19 5/8 1430 1669 1907
23 5/8 1716 2003 2286
27 1/2 2003 2337 2668
31 1/2 2286 2668 3050
35 3/8 2573 3003 3429
39 3/8 2859 3337 3811
43 1/4 3146 3671 4194
47 1/4 3433 4006 4572
55 1/8 4002 4671 5337
63 4576 5340 6097
70 7/8 5146 6005 6862
78 3/4 5719 6674 7623
90 1/2 6575 7674 8766
102 3/8 7435 8677 9909
118 1/8 8578 10011 11434
Q [BTU/HR] Height [inches]
Length [inches] 11 3/4 15 3/4 19 5/8 23 5/8 27 1/2 35 3/8
15 3/4 1017 1280 1525 1757 1979 2395
19 5/8 1273 1600 1907 2197 2474 2992
23 5/8 1525 1918 2286 2638 2969 3590
27 1/2 1781 2238 2668 3078 3463 4190
31 1/2 2034 2559 3050 3515 3958 4787
35 3/8 2290 2876 3429 3955 4453 5388
39 3/8 2542 3197 3811 4395 4948 5985
43 1/4 2798 3518 4194 4835 5442 6582
47 1/4 3050 3835 4572 5275 5937 7183
55 1/8 3559 4477 5337 6152 6927 8380
63 4067 5115 6097 7032 7916 9574
70 7/8 4576 5756 6862 7909 8906 10772
78 3/4 5084 6394 7623 8790 9895 11970
90 1/2 8766 10107 11379
102 3/8 9909 11427 12864
118 1/8 11434 13185 14843
Q [BTU/HR] Height [inches]
Length [inches] 7 7/8 11 3/4 15 3/4 19 5/8 23 5/8 27 1/2 35 3/8
15 3/4 1884 2371 2839 3282 3716 4542
19 5/8 2354 2965 3549 4105 4647 5678
23 5/8 2822 3559 4255 4927 5575 6814
27 1/2 3293 4153 4965 5746 6504 7950
31 1/2 2549 3764 4743 5674 6568 7432 9083
35 3/8 2870 4234 5337 6384 7387 8363 10219
39 3/8 3187 4705 5930 7094 8210 9291 11356
43 1/4 3504 5176 6524 7804 9032 10219 12492
47 1/4 3825 5647 7118 8513 9851 11151 13628
55 1/8 4463 6589 8302 9933 11492 13007 15897
63 5098 7527 9489 11349 13137 14867 18170
70 7/8 5736 8469 10673 12768 14778 16723 20439
78 3/4 6374 9411 11861 14188 16419 18583 22711
90 1/2 7329 10823 13638 16317 18883 21370
102 3/8 8285 12233 15419 18443 21346 24158
118 1/8 9561 14116 17791 21282 24629 27874

Overview of Types

Type 22
Type 10
Type 11
Type 20
Type 21
Type 33

Types of Connection

Side - one side
RADIK KLASIK - connection Side - one side
Side - two sides diagonal
RADIK KLASIK - connection Side - two sides diagonal
Side - two sides direct
RADIK KLASIK - connection Side - two sides direct


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Check out our new RADIK V-POWER. Radiator suitable for heat pumps. RADIK V-POWER

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